

   We make original T-shirts, jeans, *Shimasaba and some accessories which take on an Okinawan atmosphere, under the concept of "We always wanna be surrounded by Okinawa." We also collaborate with many artists who flourish in Okinawa: For example, **Bingata artists, photographers, painters and illustrators.

■Bingata 紅型:
  It is an Okinawan traditional dyeing art made using stencils and other methods. It is generally brightly colored and features various patterns, usually depicting natural subjects such as flowers, birds, water and plants.   During the Ryukyu Dynasty era, Bingata was used for the clothes of high class people, especially the royal family. It was also one of the important trade goods with foreign countries and the mainland of Japan.

■Shimasaba 島サバ:
「島」→ "Shima" means literally "island", but also means "local specialty of Okinawa" (e.g. Shima Banana, Shima Yasai=vegetables). "Saba" means "Sandals" in Okinawan dialect. Shima Saba is a very common sandal in Okinawa and most locals own one. At RYUKYU PIRAS, we put your name on a Shima Saba for 324 yen (on one part of the sandal) in about 15 minutes. Okinawan Shima Saba with the name will be a treasured gift or souvenir for you or a loved one. Artists Collaborated with RYUKYU PIRAS

Artists Collaborated with RYUKYU PIRAS

・ 賀川理英 Rie Kagawa / Bingata artist: She produces dye works not only in traditional patterns but also in her own spectacular pop-artistic style. Her Bingata features unique motifs and outstanding use of colors, creating both original and fascinating works.Collaborated with RYUKYU PIRAS

・ 宜保聡 Satoshi Gibo / Bingata artist: He usually dyes Kimono and its accessories such as Obi. He combines several motifs in a design, enhances each characteristic of them, and dyes them delicately and carefully while considering the person who will wear the Bingata.

・ KEN(宮崎賢一)Kenichi Miyazaki / illustrator: Quirky original drawings and playful ideas are the most attractive characteristics of his illustrations. He creates various designs with very different tastes, and his works always make us happy and smile.


■品牌概念 我們琉球PIRAS秉持著「好想隨時被沖繩環繞」的概念,製作出能讓人感受到沖繩氣息的原創T恤和雜貨。我們與紅型染作家、攝影家、插畫家等各式各樣在沖繩活躍的藝術工作者聯手打造出的作品,希望大家都能隨身穿戴,感受到那份喜。

■PIRAS的LOGO由來 關鍵字………Collaboration=互助合作、花格磚 琉球PIRAS的品牌關鍵字「Collaboration」,蘊含著互助合作的精神,代表我們透過與沖繩藝術工作者的溝通交流和共同製作,孕育出一件件的商品,藉著這個過程,我們彼此快樂與共、一同成長,凝聚了從沖繩發信的原動力。就像客戶、藝術工作者和琉球PIRAS各成一圓不斷擴展、結合,將會展現出無限的可能性一般,我們想用LOGO來傳達這樣的意象。 花格磚:讓沖繩耀眼的陽光也變得柔和,既能守護房屋不受強風侵襲,又能保持通風流暢的花格磚。原本是從外地傳來的物品,現在已發展出各式各樣的面貌,成為沖繩風土的一部分,完全融入日常生活之中。一個個的圖形組成一大片的圖案,花樣可以無限擴大。把花格磚一個個堆疊起來,就能自成一圓(緣),圓圈不斷擴展。

■PIRAS的意義 在沖繩離島宮古島的方言中,PIRAS有「出發」「出走」之意。

■何謂紅型染 一種沖繩傳統工藝的染布,使用型板之類的型染技法來製作。通常以鮮豔明亮的色彩來染製,圖案大部分以花、鳥、水、植物等大自然為主題是它的特徵。在琉球王朝時代,紅型染被用於王族等權貴人士的服飾上,也曾當作與日本本土或外國往來時的重要貿易商品。

■何謂島拖鞋(島サバ) 「島」這個漢字本身具有island的意思,但在這裡指的是「沖繩地方特產的」(譬如其他也有「島香蕉」「島蔬菜」等例子)。「サバ」在沖繩方言裡指的是「涼鞋、拖鞋」(サンダル)。島拖鞋在沖繩是非常常見的物品,當地人幾乎人手一雙。琉球PIRAS提供島拖鞋的刻名服務,刻一個地方只需324日圓,約15分鐘就能完成。世界獨一無二、刻有名字的島拖鞋,最適合當伴手禮或沖繩旅行的紀念品喔!

■創作家簡介 ・賀川理英(紅型染作家)……無論是古典圖案或原創的潮流花樣,都能染暈自如。她的紅型染以獨特的主題和用色為特徵,充滿原創性,擄獲了眾多人士的芳心。

